Starting this week, we’re offering remote access to Q’s collection of pedals, amps, analog tape, plate reverb, Neve console, tube compressors and more. Just as we’ve been doing for decades, we want to help your tracks sound their absolute best – but, this time around, since we can’t invite you physically to Q, we’re invite your tracks for a visit… Let us re-amp, compress, print to tape or whatever it is that your songs need. Check out our TOYS and the various gear pages – Studio A & Studio B for ideas.
Treatments will be done in Studio A, with easy access to the 1/2″ ATR, the 2″ Studer, the 1/4″ Studer, all our other tape delays, and of course, our Neve console. If folks want to access gear that’s normally racked up in Studio B it will also be available for processing – not to mention our collection of vintage and contemporary amps, cabs, and pedals…! Maybe you’ve recorded drums in your bedroom and want them to sound like they’re in a live room? We can pump your drums into Studio A’s live room and record them through our U67’s, the Neve and a pair of tube compressors.
To make this all work smoothly, we’ll send you a high quality audio feed so that you can stay as hands/ears on during the process.
And of course, now is a great time to transfer all your old media… We can handle 2″, 1/2″, 1/4″ and ADAT transfers, and we can bake your analog tape if they need it.

And, while not strictly in the “analog” domain, we’re also happy to tune and tweak tracks till the cows come home. Drop Ed a line (we’re offering special “quarantine” rates) and let us know how we can turn your quarantine tracks up to 11.