As Q Division starts its 30th year, we are getting ready for our first major overhaul in the 16 years we’ve been in Davis Square. While we’re bidding a fond farewell to our Studio B and our current offices as part of our new landlord’s reconfiguration of the building, we’re also looking forward to renovating and expanding our existing Studio D to replace and improve on it. The new studio will feature an upgraded Pro Tools HDX system, enhanced mixing and mastering capabilities and a brand new control room designed by Lou Clark, of Sonic-Space. We are also planning some major equipment improvements and increased booking flexibility in the new studio to meet the needs of different projects. Studio A, our Neve 8068 room, will remain open throughout the renovations, and we will continue booking sessions in Studio D as long as possible. Right now things are a bit chaotic with the move and the construction but we are still open for business – and we’ll have an announcement soon about the configuration and design of the new studio. As part of the move we’re clearing out the tape vault. If you recorded here in the past, and think you might have left tape, now’s the time to claim it. Check and for updates, and stay tuned!