Hey folks – progress on the new studios is slow but steady!
The common areas – lounge, kitchen, bathrooms, driveway, and exteriors are all very close to being done. This means we can start setting up storage spaces, tech and machine rooms, and very soon, the lounge spaces and kitchen!
Keep reading below about some of the other work we’ve done.

Studio A’s control room has really come a long way – we’ve had the Neve in there for a while, and we’re carefully setting up and trouble shooting the console. We are in the final stages of our epic restoration project – folks who are curious will able to read all about that in the near future.

Wiring the new spaces is a massive project, but we’ve run most of the audio, speaker, and ethernet lines to the performance spaces and machine rooms. As finishes and treatments are completed and installed in the live room, we’ll be able to finish up some of that work.

We’d love to give you a solid date for our reopening, but we’re sticking with – SOON!